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英语角 不只是英语









Rank: 4

发表于 2017-5-22 17:02:06 | 只看该作者 | 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 ardworld80 于 2017-5-22 23:09 编辑

      先来一段小插曲,昨天我刚出门就收到前方紧急情报,这期英语角原定的场地369众创空间因空调故障闭馆了,可人已经到了好几个,还有陆续在路上的。怎么办?有人建议取消,我心想大家既然都出门了,怎么也不能白跑一趟啊。当机立断,我飞奔跑去附近一家咖啡馆,确定有足够位置了,立即在群里通知大家,转移场地到某咖啡馆,又发了地图位置。最后大家陆续赶来,虽然咖啡馆有点小拥挤,又折腾了不少冤枉路,不过大家的兴致还是丝毫未减。然后活动就从新老成员互相介绍和互动小游戏中开始了。    感谢David做的recap简记,晒出来与大家一起分享。

【Recap of May 21. 2017.】
    Joy, Vivian ( Li Rui), David Yang, Alice, Jasmine, Earnest. Chris,James, Olivia,Yolanda。
    As the reserved place was closed as air conditioner issues. emergency plan have been taken to change meeting venues change to BingDa Coffee. Appreciate the help from wechat by Joy, everybody could go the backup place very quickly.
    Even though the place is a little bit crowded, it is quite cozy and nice feeling. English is a key, you never know when and where it can open the door for you someday.
    Joy hosted the meeting with a warm welcome to all the active comers.
    Session 1: English corner tonight just was opening by self introduction and ice breaker. Each one introduced his or her name, professions and expectations to the English corner.
    Session 2: Mostly like the drinking games , each one randomly offer out two words or two different things, the next one should connect the words and tell out story by using imagination it was really interesting and thrilling games, which let you be nervous and curious to know what the stories are. Each of them shared a vivid story. roll down know the details.

    Session 3::Translate ( Chinese into english , English to Chinese)
   It is a really difficult session, because it came your brain randomly. you can see the words one by one when you clicking down. Who is best translator? let us vote to him or her next time. the game ended at an ancient poem from Liu Yuxi, which discover the poem’s philosophy to all of us.

    Week by week, you come to English corner. month by month, you will see what changes for yourselves.
  Details: ( there’re some grammar mistakes. you can pickup yourselves. Though it is more tolerant in spoken english , try to pay attention and correct it. )
    focus : tenses ( esp for Verb) , he or she
1) boat and flowers
if if had a boat, i could put into flowers.
2) cow and girls
on the farm, very beautiful girl, they are very poor. their father sell the cow. to get the money.
you know the girl . she is very upset. in the night , punish the girl. his father that her marriage - ugly man ( old man), then every rich life.
3) foot. - tree.
it also good sentence, to describe our marriage. of the her husband. suitable for her. for example, if a girl like trees and flowers. his husband focus on tv , play games, i do think this will not a happy marriage.
4) frog and man
from my childhood, i graduate from university, i want to became a teacher, it is very tricky. at that time, i don’t want to be, heard from my parents, you need have technical knowledge. i choose another way of life. i am responsible fro quality
5) book and earth.
really, unreality books are the resource of the human’s wisdom. all the human being live on the
earth. it can help human being, history, knowledge. anything, the books is also important for the earth. all the in the world.
6) my words are - . ( sailing boat) - pacific ocean.
there is hole in the boat. i going to .. and .. .. and i do not know how long is it. open their eyes. at last, they will be wise man. ( intelligence) go back the earth to help the people to be happy. i built their house, their life. maybe , you now, the hole in the ocean, the came back. the year, the day, passed many many years. at that time, the whole world are destroyed by human being. the people vanished in the hole. the black hole. history of the world. they are
wisdom. they help people build their house.
7) cappuccino. cellphone
i bought one cup of cappuccino, i paid it by cellphone.
8) galaxy . ink
we can use the pen ( some ink) to paint the galaxy in the paper.

2nd round - for short sentence
1) house, river.
before the river, there is my house.
2) plane, air.
i can see a plane in the air.
3) mountain , blood
i have a try. when i climb the mountain, i can hurt. bloody too much on my knees.
4) xitang interesting . rad land beside the river.
5) sofa and car
in luxury car, like linen, we can find the sofa in there
6) jungle and thunder.
a thunder out of winder
a monkey show up, what
7) software.
how to control them
8) sand and window.
i build my dream house with sand
3rd activity — Translate ( Chinese into english , English to Chinese)
one day , a frog want to fly in the sky. a man look at the frog. the man is want to eat this frog. the frog are —running, the man is running too. the frog is flying….. the man is ….. the man sat there
Session 3 — translate into english
one day , a frog want to fly in the sky. a man look at the frog. the man is want to eat
this frog.
the frog are —running, the man is running too. the frog is flying….. the man is …..
the man sat there
桃花: peach blossom ( flower)
粽⼦子: zongzi. rice dumpling
wise -
vaseline 凡⼠士林林
⼈人艰不不拆 People struggle without dismantling
where is a way, there is a will.
丹丹⻨麦喜欢热的。 danish love heating food.
Reading Maketh a full Man; Conference a readyman; and writing an exact man
do you cook yourself?
what does english corner start?
sep . 2015 …
first month the new term.
when i was in jinan, t always took part in english corner.
it is near black tiger spring, that is very beautiful place. i really enjoy the time.
i have been there last year. …
because of the water shortage. the water if not too much for the spring.
it still very nice .
think twice before you leap
“ like a box of chocolate, you’ll never know what you’re going to get”
the world is
all the small thing , come to great thing.
what is your favorite food?
crab, fish.
i came tianjin in 2000. before i moved her, i lived in hangu. the people there love
sea food .
they are popular there. i think so, it is not expensive.
i am not used to that.
i am not good at to cook the sea food. i have been there for long time to learn to
do some kind of style.
it is a very short point, housewife.
九曲⻩黄河万⾥里里沙, Yellow River twists and turns within millions sands
浪淘⻛风簸⾃自天涯。 Along lapping by waves, rocking by Winds from the horion
如今直上银河去, While bridge to Galaxy in the sky
同到牵⽜牛织⼥女女家。 Home to QianNiu and ZhiNv together
( Translated by David)


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懒人火锅 发表于 2017-5-30 12:15

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