本帖最后由 滨海小外TBFLS 于 2018-3-15 17:02 编辑
决赛中,小学高年级组的选手们围绕“Somewhere I want to go”这一主题发表演讲并即席回答评委提问。胡涵予同学的演讲优美流利,充满活力,表达了她对浩瀚宇宙的无限向往,在回答问题时她敏锐机智,得到了评委团的一致好评。经过激烈的角逐,最终胡涵予同学获得了天津赛区决赛小学高年级组冠军,并将参加于四月中旬在杭州举行的全国总决赛。
Hu Hanyu fromTianjin BinhaiForeign Languages School won the champion in the “21stCentury• New Oriental Cup” National Primary School English Speaking Competitionheld in Tianjin on Feb. 5th. The topic of the speaking competition is“Somewhere I want to go”. Hu Hanyu gave a fluent and energetic speech,expressing her strong desire to explore the outer space. All the judges andaudience were deeply impressed by her confidence and tact. During the competition, Hu Hanyu fullyrevealed her talent for speaking and critical thinking. Now she is lookingforward to achieving excellence in final competition!