本帖最后由 滨海小外TBFLS 于 2018-1-3 19:53 编辑
本次英语节目展演精彩纷呈,有合唱、配音、歌舞和话剧等多种形式。在节目现场不仅能感受到同学们的青春活力,也能欣赏到老师们的精彩魅力。一曲"Lemon tree"拉开了表演的帷幕,让全场观众沉浸在美妙的歌声中。
深受小朋友们喜爱的《小猪佩奇》系列动画片配音表演,让在场的观众捧腹大笑。改编歌舞剧"You are my sunshine"以交朋友为切入点,让观众们在歌舞中体会到友谊带来的温暖。
年年辞旧,岁岁迎新。值此新年到来之际,天津外大滨海附校小学一部英语节目展演活动的开展为同学们搭建了展示自我的平台,丰富了同学们的课余生活,体现了本校 “融中西文化,育国际英才” 的办学理念,是第五届外语节画卷的完美收笔。
2018 TBFLS New Year Party On December 26th , the 2018 New Year Celebration Party was held in Campus One with the presence of Director Chu, Ms Yu and parent representatives. The splendid shows at the party were in diversified forms, including chorus, dubbing, song and dance as well as drama, during which the audience not only enjoy the vigor of students but also the charm of teachers. The party began with a song "Lemon Tree", attracting everyone with its beautiful melody. The dubbing of the "Peppa Pig" drew applause and cheers from time to time. The singing and dancing show "You are my sunshine" highlighted the kids' precious friendship. At last, the drama "Cinderella" impressed everyone with the actors’ brilliant and creative performance. The 2018 New Year Celebration Party provided a wonderful stage for students to show themselves, which also enriched their school lives. The end of the party declared the perfect closing of the fifth foreign language festival of TBFLS.