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发表于 2018-5-25 13:55:10 | 只看该作者 | 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 云且沐风 于 2018-5-25 13:55 编辑

5月26日 | 相约海嘉,体验爱与幸福的教育

我们 l 海嘉
海纳百川,嘉言懿行。用宽阔的胸怀,聚全球教育精英,培养具有“责任、努力、尊重、友情”品质的英才,这就是海嘉国际双语学校。12年的办学积淀,海嘉发展为国际文凭组织 IBO 及美国西部院校联盟(WASC)认证的高质量世界学校,成为国际学校体育协会(ISAC)以及中国和蒙古国际学校协会(ACAMIS)的会员资格学校。这既是国际学校的品质认证,也是我们实力的证明。在国际教育自媒体《真榜》中,海嘉位列北京国际化学校小学排行榜第四,多年被新浪与腾讯授予“中国家长满意国际学校”和“最具影响力国际学校”等荣誉,位列《2017胡润百学·中国国际学校百强》百强学校。

理念 l 海嘉

师资 l 海嘉

文化 l 海嘉

毕业生 | 海嘉
2018届IB DP学子目前收到了来自美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、瑞士和中国香港等世界各地的大学录取通知书40多份,其中包括美国常春藤盟校的耶鲁大学—新加坡国立大学学院、美国顶尖文理学院威廉姆斯学院、加州大学伯克利分校、加州大学洛杉矶分校、加拿大多伦多大学、英国伦敦大学学院等世界级顶尖名校。



签到 | 9:00 - 9:30
学校及课程介绍 | 9:30 -10:15
课程体验 | 10:20 - 11:05
问答环节 | 11:05 - 11:30

时间:上午9:00 - 11:30

May 26th | Welcome to BIBA – Tianjin Campus. Your Dreams Start from Here
Beijing International Bilingual Academy – Tianjin Campus invites you to attend our SCHOOL ACTIVITY DAY! Saturday 26th May, Tianjin be sure not miss it! Take a look at our incredible campus, meet our BIBA Leadership team, teachers, staff and students and experience international demonstration classes and our unique educational Chinese curriculum class.

Each and every day at BIBA, our community is blessed with the love and happiness. With 12 years of bilingual international education experience, BIBA firmly believes that love and happiness are components of continuous development throughout the entire school. These core beliefs further guide each individual within the BIBA community, to continue to grow to their full potential!

The Ideal International Education
Integrating Chinese culture, and Western education, Beijing International Bilingual Academy unites the best of both East and West, offering the ultimate unique education with the continuous focus of "love and happiness" being the primary center of our school. We have the ideal international education facility, that accommodates each grade level.

Diversified Campus Life
As a diverse and international education group, with teachers, students and parents coming from more than 30 countries around the world, campus life at BIBA is rich with experiences and cultural learning opportunities.

The distinctions in culture, language and nationalities are embraced and celebrated throughout our BIBA Campuses. At BIBA we value our diversity, and this is highlighted throughout various whole school activities such as Family Fair, International Day and Chinese New Year! We not only experience the wonderful campus life, but we also feel the cultural atmosphere which is presented throughout all BIBA campuses.

Teaching Staff
BIBA has assembled a group of highly qualified educational professionals, both local and international. All teachers of BIBA have been specifically selected and hired for our unique environment. Our teachers are highly passionate and enthusiastic in international and professional education. BIBA Chinese teaching teams are not only experienced in Chinese teaching, but are also encouraged to innovate and actively integrate into international teaching methodologies and environment. More than 300 teachers and staff from BIBA support our Tianjin campus in many professional and supportive ways. Teachers from Tianjin have the opportunity to enjoy professional development to further develop their teaching careers. As educators in today's rapidly developing educational field, BIBA teachers not only elevate students to develop knowledge, thinking and listening skills, but also encourage the development of becoming well rounded world citizens.

Our Graduates
The second IB cohort of BIBA Admission of DP graduates has become the focus of attention. On the road to the world famous schools, BIBA students took a bold step and achieved great results! So far, BIBA students have received a total of more than 40 Letters of Acceptance: Yale - NUS College, Williams College, Swarthmore College, Bowdoin College, UC Berkeley, University of California, Los Angeles etc.

If you are like us,
Committed to providing children with unique international bilingual education;
If you also desire to give children a broader education platform,
If you want a warm educational journey for the whole family;
We sincerely invite you to join us at our SCHOOL ACTIVITY DAY!
Here we will work with you to explore the future of education.

Activity Details
Our School Activity Day will be divided into three sections, as you will have the opportunity to understand all aspects of BIBA and our education approach. Meet our BIBA leadership team, teachers, staff and students asking any questions you may want answered. Students have the opportunity to participate and parents have the opportunity to watch our International and Chinese demonstration classes. Learn what BIBA – Tianjin Campus has to offer, from our excellent and unique bilingual educational system. Your dreams start from here!

School Activity Day Schedule
9:00am – 9:30am Sign in
9:30am – 10:15am Introduction and Philosophy of BIBA
10:20am – 11:05am Demonstration Classes
11.05am - 11:30am Q&A

Registration Details
Date: Saturday , May 26th
Time: 9:00 am – 11:30 am
Address: 226 Mingsheng Road, Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City, Binhai New District, Tianjin


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