为贯彻本校“融东西文化、育国际英才”的办学理念,大力弘扬素质教育,进一步提升本校模拟联合国社团社员们的参会能力,我校模拟联合国社团五名社员在模联社两名指导教师的带领下,于2018年2月20日至23日赴天津市远洋宾馆参加第三届天津市中学生校际模联会议。 In order to implement our school-runningprinciple--"Combining Chinese and Western Culture, CultivatingInternational Talents", practice quality-oriented education and furtherimprove the comprehensive abilities of students in our MUN club, 5 members ofthe club attended the 3rd Tianjin Interscholastic MUN Conference for HighSchool Students with the guidance of two teachers from Feb. 20th to 23rd.
本次会议包含六个中文委员会及一个英文委员会。我校高一年级赵祎奥同学参加中文场1787费城制宪会议,任宾夕法尼亚州代表;七年级张砚凝参加中文场联合国安理会讨论塞浦路斯局势,任南斯拉夫代表;七年级程思涵,王曾俊辰及陈天娇同学参加英文委员会UNSecurity Council (联合国安理会)讨论朝鲜核问题。 Altogether6 Chinese commissions and one English commission were set in this year'sconference. Zhao Yi'ao, student of senior one, attended Chinese commission--1787 Constitutional Convention as a representative of Commonwealth ofPennsylvania. Zhang Yanning, student of grade seven, attended Chinesecommission-- United Nations Security Council to discuss the situation in theRepublic of Cyprus as a representative of Yugoslavia. Cheng Sihan, WangZengjunchen and Chen Tianjiao, students of grade seven, attended Englishcommission -- UN Security Council to discuss the Korean Nuclear Issue.
整场会议由学生自主组织自愿参与,展现了较高的学术专业性及英文水平。我校几名新晋模联社成员抱着虚心学习的态度,在会议伊始阶段迅速调整,认真聆听,会议中后期在发言质量和数量上稳步提高,最终得以渐渐融入高水平会场。代表们在会期间隙熬夜参与文件写作,与场内志同道合的模联同仁相谈甚欢,结下深厚友谊。这些都体现了滨海小外模联代表们积极认真的学习态度,以及对模联参与热情的高涨。 The whole conference was totally organizedand participated by students themselves, which indicated high and professionalacademic and language skills. Our five members learned from other delegates atfirst and adjusted themselves to the conference later with high qualityspeeches. During the conference, they stayed up late to finish the paperwriting and maintained great relationships with delegates from other schools.All these moments showed our members' careful attitude and great passion.
通过三天亲身参与会议,代表们对模联又有了更加深刻全面的认识。几位同学也迫不及待地想在新学期的模联培训中分享自己的参会心得。会场中不乏学术及语言水平兼具的优秀模联人,置身这样的会场让几位社团新成员倍感压力的同时也心生向往,在开拓视野的同时为自身注入了精进学习的动力。今后,他们也将继续在各位指导教师的带领下努力奋进,积极积累参会经验,不断提升参会能力,为本校模联社注入源源不断的发展活力! Delegates have had a deeper andall-round understanding of MUN Conference throughout this year's conference.They also can't wait to share their experience and feelings in the new termwith other members. We have every reason to believe that they will continue tostruggle and improve their comprehensive abilities in the near future to makeour MUN club more and more promising.