本帖最后由 滨海小外TBFLS 于 2018-6-21 16:07 编辑
6月19日,在我校王丽校长的陪同下, 21世纪报的编辑们来到小学二部同老师和同学们进行了面对面的亲切交流。学部兰勇主任热情地接待了21世纪编辑部一行,并引领参观了学部。我校秉承“融中西文化,育国际英才”的办学理念,致力于为学生提供最优的英语教育资源。因此,我校五年来坚持为学生订阅21世纪报及杂志,让每一个孩子都能够拥有最具可读性、趣味性和知识性的英语课外阅读材料,享受英语阅读的乐趣。
课后,报刊编辑袁老师对同学们进行了问卷调查,问卷设计从学生兴趣出发,真正体现了21世纪报以学生为本的理念。午时,编辑老师们来到了三年级,和孩子们进行了面对面座谈(face-to-face communication)。孩子们看到21世纪报的编辑叔叔阿姨们十分开心,愉快地同叔叔阿姨们分享了自己阅读报纸和杂志的体验,并且表达了他们对21世纪报的喜爱。
Eyas of 21stCentury Soaring in New Era
On 19th Juneeditors from 21st Century Teens paid a visit to Campus Two of Tianjin BinhaiForeign Language School companied with Principal Wang. It’s a preciousopportunity for students to communicate with editors directly. Adhering totheschool-running idea of CombiningWestern and Chinese Culture, Cultivate International talents, our schoolchose21st Century Teens as extensive reading materials for students in the lastfive years. Therefore Teens and its illustrationmagazines are becoming popularamong students.
Principal Wanginvited the editors to attend two English lessons in grade five, whichimpressed them with enjoyment, includingdelicate teachingandactive involvementof students. They spoke highly of English teaching proficiency in our school. Then30 students were surveyed with questionnaire mainly about their favoritesections of the paper. After lunch, editors came to have a face-to-facecommunication with students in grade three. Students were quiet delighted toshare theirpreference of reading 21st Century Teen and magazine.
It’sthe 21st Century Teen that opens a door for students to recognize the charmingworld and provides a platform to show their English talents. Through readingand writing, students have developedEnglish learning habits and devotedthemselves to create excellent articles as well. We believe that cooperationwith 21st Century Press will guaranteethe results of educating internationaltalents and intellectual who possesses international view and national character.