本帖最后由 滨海小外TBFLS 于 2018-4-20 15:31 编辑
2018年4月15日,第十六届中国日报社“21世纪 •新东方杯”中小学生英语演讲比赛全国总决赛在杭州师范大学圆满落幕。我校小学二部胡涵予同学经过层层选拔,最终以天津市冠军的身份进入全国总决赛,代表我校与来自其它各省市的选手同台竞技。经过激烈角逐,胡涵予同学脱颖而出,最终荣获小高组全国二等奖!
HuHanyu from TBFLS won the second prize in the 16th China Daily “21st Century·New Oriental Cup” National Primary School English Speaking Competition
Hu Hanyu from Tianjin Binhai Foreign Languages SchoolCampus Two won the second prize in the “21stCentury• New Oriental Cup” National Primary School English Speaking Competitionheld in Hangzhou in 15th Apr. The topic of the speaking competition is“Somewhere I want to go”. Hu Hanyu gave a fluent and energetic speech,expressing her strong desire to explore the outer space. All the judges andaudience were deeply impressed by her confidence and tact. Our school is characterized by Englisheducation. For four years Hu Hanyu has participated various kinds of Englishactivities held by school, getting fully stretched and developed on her Englishproficiency. Through this competition, she not only shows her outstandingtalents on English, but also illustrates the teaching achievements of ourschool. Congratulations to Hu hanyu. We hope that we will make more and better achievementsin the future.